Saturday, April 28, 2012

Detailed Introduction of Cholic Acid

Cholic acidCholic acid is a steroid, is the most abundant in the four major human bile acid derived from it Glycocholic acid and taurocholic acid in human bile acids. Hepatic secretion of bile salts in bile (bile acid sodium salt) is a powerful emulsifier. Bile flows through the upper small intestine, bile salts emulsify fat, to help their digestion and absorption. After the lower part of the absorption of the emulsified fat droplets of fatty acids and glycerides by the small intestine, bile salt reabsorption. Them back to the liver and re-use, and bile salt total circulation between the liver and small intestine. Bile salts are not only fats, the absorption of all fat-soluble nutrients, particularly important. When suffering from some disease the generation or secretion of bile salts in the feces undigested and unabsorbed fat. At this point, the fat-soluble vitamins A and D and E, K, can not be completely absorbed, can lead to lack of vitamin A nutrition.

Cholic acid synthesis by the liver with the bile into the duodenum, as one of the integral part of the digestive juices can promote digestion and absorption of lipids. When the pyloric dysfunction, Cholic acids, anti-flow to the stomach, together with gastric acid caused damage to the gastric mucosa and cause stomach pain and other symptoms, so acid is one of the gastric mucosal injury caused by chemical factors. Cholic acid is commonly used in clinical hydrotalcite addition can neutralize stomach acid, but also with the bile acid combination, thereby reducing damage to the gastric mucosa, inflammation of the elimination and healing of ulcers. Many stomach pain patients after drug treatment, stomach pain symptoms in the short term have been alleviated, however, damage the mucosal repair, take some time, such as most of the ulcer healing takes 4-6 weeks of regular treatment, which means that symptoms continuation of medication to eliminate is not equal to the lesions subside, given a certain time is necessary. At the same time the reasons for bile reflux treatment. During treatment, one should also quit smoking, alcohol, avoid coffee, tea, spicy food and on gastric mucosal injury drug use, daily diet should be the law, to avoid excessive stress and fatigue for a few associated with anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients advocate to give the appropriate medication.

Bile salts is a fat emulsifier, to help the hydrolysis and absorption of fat in the intestine. Certain cholic acids as well as antispasmodic, stomach, reducing the role of the cholesteric blood alcohol content.

Read More: Cholic acid price

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