Wednesday, May 2, 2012

An Introduction of Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin

Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin
Human tetanus immune globulin (Human Tetanus Immunoglobulin) Department of adsorbed tetanus vaccine in healthy human plasma, were extracted after hepatitis B vaccine made ​​from inactivated virus. Artificial passive immunization of human tetanus immune globulin is injected immediately after an immune effect, but shorter duration of immunity for two weeks, generally not more than three weeks. Generally, it has no adverse reaction after injection. Very few people have swelling, pain, and no special treatment, self-healing.
Specification: 250 IU/vial (100 IU/ml, 2.5ml), 500 IU/vial (100 IU/ml, 5ml)
Description: Human tetanus immunoglobulin is a clear, colorless to pale-yellow sterile preparation of immunoglobulin plasma fraction. It is mainly indicated for the prophylaxis and treatment of tetanus, especially suitable for use in individuals hypersensitive to tetanus antitoxin (TAT).

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