Sunday, May 6, 2012

3000 Mesh Barium Sulate's Taste and Texture

3000 mesh barium sulate is a kind of white powder without any taste.Its specific gravity is 4.20.It is chemically inert and insoluble in water,alcohol,or many other solvents,except hot concentrated sulfuric acid.
3000 mesh Barium Sulate
Barium sulfate suspensions could be described as having the consistency of a very thick glass of milk, or a very thin milkshake. Liquid chalk, with a not too unpleasant medicinal taste, is more accurate. The suspension is homogeneous, perfectly smooth, and white in color - very much like the color of milk. The suspension is stored at room temperature (labels suggest 25°C), so "warm, thick milk" is a common description of the general weight and consistency of the drink.

The taste is generally considered unpleasant, but not unbearably repulsive, and is dependent on the exact makeup of the drink. Descriptions range from "poor tasting, very runny vanilla pudding" to "mildly citrus, with a strong bitter aftertaste". In addition, the presence of the barium sulfate makes the drink have a mild acidic burning sensation. Because of the ease of the actual test, the paced two-hour consumption of the barium sulfate suspension is often considered the worst part of a CT scan.

Read More: buy 3000 mesh barium sulate

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