Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Is Micro-crystal Muscovite?

Micro-crystal muscovite
Muscovite (also known as common mica, isinglass, or potash mica) is a phyllosilicate mineral of aluminium and potassium with formula KAl2(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2, or (KF)2(Al2O3)3(SiO2)6(H2O). It has a highly-perfect basal cleavage yielding remarkably-thin laminæ (sheets) which are often highly elastic. Sheets of muscovite 5 metres by 3 metres have been found in Nellore, India.
Micro-crystal muscovite is a new non-metallic mineral resource, Sichuan Xin Ju mining in the country in 1997 first discovered. It is a rare quality muscovite resource with notable features of: new genetic types of mineral grain size of fine ore muscovite content, good quality and large-scale deposits. Micro-crystal muscovite mine large-scale mining and powder processing, powder products have been insulated (filled insulating glue), paint (heavy-duty coatings), plastic, rubber (PVC material), ceramics and other widely used in the field to alternative to traditional sericite mineral materials.

Read More: buy Micro-crystal muscovite

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