Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Uses of Ketazolam

Ketazolam (marketed under the brand names Anseren, Ansieten, Ansietil, Marcen, Sedatival, Sedotime, Solatran and Unakalm) is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and sedative and skeletal muscle relaxant properties.
It is used for the treatment of anxiety and has similar effectiveness compared to diazepam. Ketazolam also appears to produce a reduced level of side effects such as sedation compared with diazepam and the side effects when they occur tend to be milder. Ketazolam is also an effective antispasmodic drug and is used for the treatment of spasticity
Ketazolam has sedating effects and tends to relax the muscles. Patients can start on a low dose to determine if it controls their anxiety and helps them feel calmer. It can be tapered up if necessary if the patient doesn’t respond on the lower dose, with the goal of finding a balance point between an effective dosage and one that starts to cause side effects. When the patient is ready to stop taking ketazolam, the medication needs to be slowly tapered back down to allow the body to adjust.

Read More: Ketazolam price

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