Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Safety of Calcium Fluoride

Item name: Calcium fluoride
Calcium fluorideMolecularformula:CaF2
CAS No.:7789-75-5
Molecularweight: 78.07
Execute standard: National standard/GB
Apperance:White crystalline solid (single crystals are transparent)
Melting point:1418 °C, 1691 K, 2584 °F
Boiling point:2533 °C, 2806 K, 4591 °F
Calcium fluoride is the inorganic compound with the formula CaF2. This ionic compound of calcium and fluorine occurs naturally as the mineral fluorite (also called fluorspar). It is the source of most of the world's fluorine. This insoluble solid adopts a cubic structure wherein calcium is coordinated to eight fluoride anions and each F− ion is surrounded by four Ca2+ ions. Although perfectly packed crystalline samples are colorless, the mineral is often deeply colored due to the presence of F-centers.

Fluorides are toxic to humans, however CaF2 is considered relatively harmless due to its extreme insolubility. The situation is analogous to BaSO4, where the toxicity normally associated with Ba2+ is offset by the very low solubility of its sulfate derivative.

Read More: buy Calcium fluoride

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